Tuesday 13 September 2011

Dalston's Creek zine

I haven't updated this blog recently for two different reasons:
firstly, I have been waiting for someone to send me some good material and anecdotes about a couple of old bands I wanted to write about and, unfortunately, still waiting, but finally they are maybe on their own way.
Secondly and mostly, I have been really busy in writing and publishing a paper zine together with my friend Elena
It is intended for an italian audience, as focused on London and on our adventures in this city and called Dalston's Creek.

Dalston's Creek will be out tomorrow, hopefully, but it will be officially launched this Saturday, 17th September at (the last) Anti Mtv Day Fest 10 which will take place in Bologna, Italy.

If you are italian and you read this blog you already know anything you need to know about this fest.
If you are a foreigner you can have a look at the flier to find out what bands will play and you can copy and paste this on google translator to find out what it is all about.
No need to add that meeting tons of people from all around the country you haven't seen for a while will be the best part of it.

However Dalston's Creek zine has page DalstonsCreekZine and you can click on LIKE and tell your friends.

A press release follows.


Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dalston’s creek zine sta raggiungendo il suo agognato traguardo: essere pubblicata.

Dopo mesi di futili preparativi e tempistiche sballate, questo pezzo unico della letteratura italiana - quantitativamente e qualitativamente parlando - potrá raggiungere le vostre scrivanie in ufficio, i vostri comodini, lo scaffale accanto al WC, il bidone del reciclabile.

Dalston’s Creek é una fanzine di carta che nasce nelle fredde lande d’Albione e di questa terra cerca di offrirvi uno spaccato permeato di affetto ed ironia, impertinenza ed entusiasmo.
Con contenuti impegnati tanto quanto una column su Heartattack, il suo lancio ufficiale dovrebbe avvenire in occasione dell’ultimo Antimtvday a Bologna il 17 settembre.

Prenotate la vostra copia, la potrete ottenere ad un ragionevolissimo prezzo ancora da fissare, che tuttavia ci permetterá di ripagare i nostri debiti con la vita oltre che la manovra finanziaria.

Scriveteci a questo indirizzo per comunicazioni di ogni sorta dalstonscreekzine@gmail.com

ed intanto PIACETECI su facebook!

Grazie per l’attenzione.

Sara e Elena
Dalston’s Creek team.


Regarding this blog, I will be back very soon. I promise.

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